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Dubai Airport Heute

Dubai Airport Diverts Flights Amidst Record-Breaking Rainfall

Over 120mm of Rain Soaks the City-State

Dubai's major international airport has diverted incoming flights on Tuesday as the city-state experienced its heaviest rainfall in years. Over 120mm (47 inches) of rain inundated the city overnight, leading to widespread flooding and disruptions.

Dubai's Airport Tarmacs Under Water

The torrential downpour left massive ponds on the usually bone-dry streets and airport tarmacs. The unexpected downpours caused major flight disruptions, with dozens of arrivals being diverted to nearby airports.

For the latest flight status updates, travelers are advised to check the Dubai airport's website. The website provides real-time information on flight delays and cancellations, as well as live flight tracking.

Severe Flooding in Dubai

The heavy rains also caused extensive flooding throughout Dubai. Major roads were inundated, making it difficult for residents and visitors to navigate the city. The authorities have urged residents to stay indoors and avoid unnecessary travel due to the dangerous conditions.

Deaths in Neighboring Oman

The heavy rainfall has also had severe consequences in neighboring countries. In Oman, at least 18 people have been killed by the floods, according to reports. The rains have also caused significant damage to infrastructure and homes in Oman.

The rainfall is expected to continue in the coming hours, with the authorities issuing warnings to residents to be prepared for further flooding and disruptions.
